So a bit over a year ago, I bought into a Kick Starter program from Alien Dungeon that sounded great, "All Quiet on the Martian Front". It is a table top game that uses 18mm scale models to depict a Martian invasion during the early 1900's right before what we would have known as WW1. The original invasion was in 1897 and the people of earth won, but the aliens from Mars returned.
The models seem nice, I have seen better, but they are NOT bad at all. They go together very easily and you have a number of ways you can make the tanks and alien pods.
I bought the package that was around $130, so I got a number of cool items, here is some of them:
The plastics are good, I have seen better, but over all, for a table top game they are fine. Good detail and NOT too much flash, though there is some especially on the gun barrels. In the photos above you can see both the regular steam tank sprue (the main stay of the US Army) and the Alien pods. The main sprue gives you a choice of weapon and then you have the leg and base sprue.
Here is your typical steam tank, Mark II. The concept is the open bin you see is where the coal goes and antenna looking thing is the smoke stack that is fitted over the coal boiler.
Here is another version of the Mark II. Sponson guns and a HMG. See the rest of the parts in the background? This is how you can make all sorts of variants. BTW, there is NO glue on this tank. You obviously need to have glue, but the parts fit very well.

Here is yet another variant of the Steam tank. The Mark III has more weapons and is taller and cost a few more points to field.
Here you see some of the US Army troops. These are white metal, not quality either, but heavy on the flash, will require cleaning up.
Here you have what the game calls, "Rough Riders". Obviously a play on Teddy Roosevelt's mounted troops during the Spanish American war of 1898. BUT these are motorized and their bikes have mounted on them HMGs! Interesting unit.
And here is a shot of a page in the rule book. The rule book is well made and looks durable. I started reading the rules and they do look good so far. This game is played with a D10 not your typical D6. That's it for now. Hope you show some interest in this game. It will not be in the stores UNTIL all the Kick Starter folk have their things. I am still missing some of my items as they were not packed and awaiting their delivery. Links to the game makers below.