We set up to play Invade. Salibaba and I set up the map, rolled off for side, deployment and going first. I was lucky enough to get the first go!
Terrain set up. We followed the new Camp-PAIN rules.
Deployment. I wasn't very happy with mine, made a couple mistake, BUT I did like the hill I got.
Reverse angle.
Turn 1 I FORGOT to move! I was so scared of my buddy's dragon, I just shot at it. I couldn't reach with my Volley Gun, but I shot at it with my rifles. Didn't do much. BUT, on turn 2, I charged it with my regiment of knights!

Close up of the brave knights fighting the scary looking overgrown lizard.
With the dragon defeated, I was able to advance fwd 6"!!! Out of the way of the regiment of little lizards waiting for a flank charge.
As the battle raged on, it was back and forth for a while. I was able to take out his unit of flyers with my mounted scouts and their rifle fire, and the dragon fell to the knights. Then,
This is where the game got nutty. My unit of Footguard charged hard left and the House guard allied follow suite, clearing the pole arm troop engaged with the over grown geckoes! Result was the charge below on turn 3. The pol arm troop was holding the opposing unit while the two elite units of Man were fighting a HORDE of salamanders. Unfortunately, the 24 rolls to hit between the 2 units DID NOT produce good results, and they were able to stand their ground.
Salibaba took the opportunity to return the favor and knock out my entire center! First, the troop of pole arms fell, then the House Guard. Salibaba rolled high and they ran for the hills!
The foot guard stuck around a bit, just to get flank charged by the regiment of little lizards and a front charge front he horde.
Salibaba's hero flew in with a breath 10 attack he had rolled for, for winning his last game (house ruled of the Camp-Pain) and whipped out my volley gun. He had the his blow gun to put some shots into my standard banner.
As the heroic foot guard stood their ground for one last turn, they finally broke and ran, but the mounted scouts were close by shooting the salamanders to try and avenge the Foot guard.
With the entire center and right flank of the human army gone, that left the heavy lifting to the regiment of knights. They had done a good job in taking out 190 points of dragon, but they were going to need help. As they tried to swing around, the horde saw them coming and did an about face, to prevent a rear charge. A rear charge would have put, 32 attacked into that horde. With the wounds it had suffered already, that would have been a great finally. BUT, Salibaba is no fool, he is a veteran strategist and was ready with his slimy lizards.
The knights smashed into the Salamanders, bringing their wounds to 10, BUT they could NOT get them to break!
Unfortunetly, there are no more photos of the battle on my end. For some reason, I thought I had saved them all, but I had actually not. The rest were deleted my mistake.
You can find the rest on Salibaba's site at:
After the above photo was take, The mounted scouts took out the refinement of salamanders and my knights, after 4 combats took out the horde! It was brutal. Both of us suffered from bad rolling and luck. But the horde's luck finally ran out. BUT, Salibaba had killed my standard bearer and headed for the middle. He was about to charge my flank on the knights at end of turn 6 and I foolishly opted to move fwd with the knights out of his flyer's arch. This left the center unguarded and 130 points of Salamander Hero was there to win the game! What a game. All the fighting and blood shed to let a little lizard that was flying around on another lizard with the game!
It was a fun game and we both enjoyed it. So far I have lost 1 scheduled game, 1 draw for my scheduled game against Scott and 2 losses playing unscheduled games. This camp-pain isn't looking so good for me. But I much say, this new list I have I am actually happy with. I am happy from my performance, mostly, and I know that I could have won or drawn that one IF I had not moved fwd that turn!!!! Good times.
Before we got this game in, Salibaba showed my boys how to play Frost grave. Sal LOVES Frostgrave. His son and he played with my boys. Salibaba played with Nick, and his son played with Constantine. It looks like they liked it and we will start playing it soon. Might need one more lesson. Here are some photos.
Salibaba made it very fair, having the same exact war bands with the same exact magic. Kids picked it up pretty quickly.
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