Wednesday, May 10, 2017

More Figure Painting

I have taken a bit of time off from painting and building.  I have a number of things on my work bench from KOW units to finish painting, to Bolt Action, to Konflict'47 to 4Ground buildings to Black Scorpion Western miniatures.  LOTS. 

Forgot to mention, we have passed 100 posts!  This is post #103!!!

But, here are some of the latest miniatures I finished.  They are an OLD, and I mean OLD War Machine mini that I bought and started over 10 years ago....that's ONE LONG ASS artist block.  I chose to make the War casters colors reflect WW2 German Officers. 

Below we have a GW miniature.  Wight King. 

Below a finished GW figure that is part of a new Mordeim War Band. 

Finally finished this GW Mordheim figure for my Marianburger miniature. 

Repainted figure.  I had finished this one years ago, but did not like the wash.  I repainted the skin tones, feathers, gloves and leather items and rewashed using the Citadel shades.  

Same here.  

and here.  MUCH better. 
I will get back to building and painting very soon.  Enjoy these for now.