Forgot to mention, we have passed 100 posts! This is post #103!!!
But, here are some of the latest miniatures I finished. They are an OLD, and I mean OLD War Machine mini that I bought and started over 10 years ago....that's ONE LONG ASS artist block. I chose to make the War casters colors reflect WW2 German Officers.
Below we have a GW miniature. Wight King.
Below a finished GW figure that is part of a new Mordeim War Band.
Finally finished this GW Mordheim figure for my Marianburger miniature.
Repainted figure. I had finished this one years ago, but did not like the wash. I repainted the skin tones, feathers, gloves and leather items and rewashed using the Citadel shades.
Same here.
and here. MUCH better.
I will get back to building and painting very soon. Enjoy these for now.